Backups / Restore

Never worry about your WordPress site. 

Get automatic daily WordPress backups today. 

Choose a monthly or yearly WordPress backup plan


Automated daily backups and on request restoration.

Daily Remote Backups
Daily Database Backups
Restore your site if needed


Automated daily backups and on request restoration. Save $20.

Daily Remote Backups
Daily Database Backups
Restore your site if needed

Why keep backups of my site?

Your Website Is An Investment

Protect your site and all the time and money you have invested in your business website.

If your site crashes tomorrow....

Do you have a backup you can restore from?
Back up my site today - $10/month

WordPress Backups for your Small Business

For only a couple of coffees a month, back up your site today ensuring you know that you can always restore your site if needed.  What situations might you need to restore your site? 

  • Site gets hacked
  • Updating plugins breaks the site
  • You forget to pay for hosting and the hosting provider deletes the files
  • You edited some code breaking your site

Our WordPress Services

WordPress Maintenance

Get a website tune up every month. We complete all site updates, site speed checks, backups, security audits and more.

Site Speed

Want to improve site speed? This service will identify and repair speed issues you are having on your site.


Does your website get backed up daily? Having a good backup strategy is critical to ensure all your hard work and investment isn't lost.

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Wordpress Maintenance Checklist

WordPress Maintenance Checklist

Get your FREE checklist for everything you need to maintain your WordPress Site.

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